Meet Katie!

TL;DR: I'm a big-picture thinker with a curious mind. I'm full of ideas to make learning, growth and success, enjoyable, effortless and interactive for everyone. Oh, and I can handle anything. 

Gallup Strengths

1. Individualization
2. Strategic
3. Input
4. Activator
5. Ideation


Type 6: The Loyalist



The longer version

Working at Shopify, and as part of a remote team, has taught me an enormous amount about myself. One of the greatest things I’ve come to master is communication. I’ll be real, it’s not easy as a remote, and it never holds me back from the desire to improve. It’s my goal to find ways to effectively communicate remotely through regular check-ins using Slack, live-videos, email, and who knows what’s next!

I'm a constant learner. I love learning new skills, trying new methods, scrapping ideas, and embracing change. Typically I consider that external learning, and I crave internal learning. Self-reflection, and self-awareness are crucial to being a lead. Understanding myself allows me to function effectively, and provide my team and colleagues with my best self. It allows me to have space to better understand others, and aid in their growth and discovery of their best self. Reflection is something I originally overlooked as a new lead. I learned the importance of critically reflecting on actions and emotions to continually grow myself, my team, and ultimately, our merchants.

My previous experience in the Guru role, and as a Squad Lead, has guided me to understand the value of quality feedback. It’s something that I provide, and ask for, daily. It allows me to accept and embrace the unknown. We have a wonderful network of personalities and intellect to lean on, and it would be a shame to not take advantage of peer knowledge.

These roles, along with many personal adventures have brought me into many difficult scenarios. I see these as opportunities for growth, and have become a master, that many peers lean on, in difficult conversations. 

When I’m working independently, I’m focused. Something that I’ve explored is working with my energy to manage my tasks. Using lists, I’ll first prioritize my tasks then set deadlines and work with my energy to be impactful. This allows me to perform at my best by being focused and present in the task.